Unveiling the Zhongnan Mansion: A Masterpiece of Artistic Design

Kris Lin and Jiayu Yang's Award-Winning Clubhouse Design

Discover the Zhongnan Mansion, an architectural marvel designed by Kris Lin and Jiayu Yang, that transcends the boundaries of art, design, and technology, and offers a unique lifestyle experience.

The Zhongnan Mansion, a residential community project in Hangzhou, China, is an epitome of innovative design and architectural brilliance. Designed by the renowned duo Kris Lin and Jiayu Yang, this clubhouse stands out for its intricate spatial order, inspired by the natural beauty of Hangzhou. The designers have meticulously crafted an atmosphere that narrates a story with every step, creating a harmonious blend of art and architecture.

The clubhouse, spanning 3050 square meters, is a complex activity space that includes coffee shops, gymnasiums, yoga classrooms, libraries, tea houses, and children's learning areas. The building is divided into three layers, two above the ground and one underground, encompassing an underground courtyard and various other spaces. The design's uniqueness lies in its intricate steel structure, where the staircase is attached to a steel structure screen, serving both as an artwork and a structural support.

The design's realization required a blend of artistic vision and technical expertise. The designers created a stunning ten-meter-high waterfall of main lights, enveloped by a curved screen. This innovative combination of the stairwell and the screen is a testament to the designers' creativity and technical prowess.

The rear courtyard, a sunken water courtyard, showcases the designers' attention to detail and their ability to create a mirror-like effect with the waterscape. A stairway in the courtyard leads to a sunken sofa, providing a perfect vantage point to appreciate the surrounding landscape. The design's interaction with its environment is a crucial aspect, creating a serene and immersive experience for the residents.

Despite the technical challenges, such as ensuring waterproofness and a water circulation system, the designers and the construction contractor successfully realized this ambitious project in August 2017. The Zhongnan Mansion is not just a residential community; it's a testament to the power of innovative design and architectural brilliance.

The Zhongnan Mansion was awarded the Platinum A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2018, recognizing its exceptional design that contributes to societal wellbeing. This prestigious award is a testament to the designers' unmatched professionalism and their ability to create designs that push the boundaries of art, science, design, and technology.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Kris Lin
Image Credits: Image #1,2,3,4,5: Photographer KLID, 2017.
Project Team Members: Kris Lin Jiayu Yang
Project Name: Zhongnan Mansion
Project Client: Kris Lin

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